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Students enjoying lunch
teachers practicing CPR
Students holding a thank you sign for the army national guard
Picture of transportation team on a school bus
Female goalie blocking a ball in a soccer game
Students playing janga
Girls running down the field at their soccer game
Students donating blood
Students exploring a cave
Image of pitcher throwing and catcher catching at a baseball game
Students performing at their musical
Students playing a table game
students taking off for their track meet
Students reading to younger students
Students in a water fight laughing

Our Strategic Plan

Graduate Profile
graduate profile graphic

The Garfield Re-2 community, including students, collaborated to create the graduate profile. This illustration displays the agreed-upon traits that we want our graduates to possess.

Perfil de egresado
graduate profile graphic in spanish

La comunidad de Garfield Re-2, incluidos los estudiantes, colaboró para crear el perfil del graduado. Esta ilustración muestra los rasgos acordados que queremos que posean nuestros graduados.

student success
student success

Student success means increaseing performance for all,  increasing access to career and technical education opportunities, professional certifications, and concurrent enrollment courses, and establishing and strengthening systems to meet the mental, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students.

Staff success
Staff success graphic

Staff success means secureing and maintaining the resources necessary to attract, recruit & retain outstanding staff for our schools and maintaining high job satisfaction, a productive workplace, and a positive district climate and culture.

Family & Community Success
family and community success graphic

Garfield Re-2 will support family and community success by improving communications and collaboration with school & community stakeholders - with special emphasis on building authentic connections with our diverse communities.

News & Events

From the Board - September 11, 2024 School Board Meeting

On Wednesday, September 11, we convened at the newly renovated Wamsley Elementary, showcasing significant improvements by FCI & JCI, including two new modular buildings for SSN and Preschool, a new roof, new floors, and more. 

Wamsley Elementary showed us they continue to excel in all they are doing! Kathi Señor and Betsy Rice spotlighted literacy and math scores while serving a wide demographic of children. 

We proudly celebrate Wamsley as one of the highest-achieving schools in Re-2 and noted by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) as a Performance School for the second consecutive year. 

Read More about From the Board - September 11, 2024 School Board Meeting
Headshot of Britton Fletchall , Garfield Re-2 school board member

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Aug 28th board meeting held at the District Office.  Our Shine the Light focused on Transportation, where we learned a little more about the intricacies of getting our students safely to and from school. Many times, it's our teams like Transportation that are the forgotten heroes of the school year, but we found out this group can come together and get the job done.  It's going to start getting dark earlier, so everyone be aware when you see those big buses and those flashing lights to give them plenty of room. 

Read More about From the Board, August 28, 2024
Photo of teacher teaching elementary students

Every day in school is critical. 

As a four-day school week, if a Garfield Re-2 student misses just two days a month, that is about 30 hours of math instruction and 60 hours of English Language Arts instruction that they are missing. 

“We know that the best indicator of student success is having a great teacher in front of students. We want all of our students in class if they are healthy,” said Assistant Superintendent Lisa Pierce, who facilitated the concerted effort by the District to support improved attendance.

Read More about Garfield Re-2 School District sees significant improvement in student attendance
From the Board, August 16, 2024

It seems like we were just celebrating the end of the school year and here we are celebrating the beginning of a new school year! We hope everyone had a fun and safe summer vacation.

With all the summer events including the county fair, the first ever Community Connected Fair, onboarding our new team members, the district opening celebration, and lastly, the 1st day of school, it seems like we blinked in May, and here we are in August. Everyone has hit the ground running and we’re closing out the first week of school.

Even though school wasn’t in session, our teams were still out there providing meals through Meal Monkey, maintaining our building and grounds, providing transportation for summer programs, and Transportation responded to over 500 questions and requests from families before school started - even calling families back on Sundays.

Read More about From the Board, August 16, 2024

Garfield Re-2 By The Numbers

Here are just a few of the numbers that make Garfield Re-2 GREAT!

See More Statistics

Diverse Student Body

Garfield Re-2 is 54% Hispanic

College and Career Readiness

In 2022-23, Garfield Re-2 high school students took a total of 110 college courses at Colorado Mountain College for a total of 2166.5 college credits!

English Language Learners

Garfield Re-2 has nearly 25% of our students classified as English Language Learners


The Garfield Re-2 School District has a total budget of $65,014,001for 2023-24.