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Food and Nutrition

Young girl grabbing a milk carton from an ice chest  at the Meal Monkey
School lunch quote

Our department motto is 'Food for Fuel'. It is the core value of everything we do. Students have a more difficult time learning when they are hungry, so at Garfield Re 2 School Districts Nutrition Department we support student achievement by offering healthy, great tasting meals everyday (approximately 1700 meals are served per school day at ten different school locations). We also promote overall wellness through our breakfast programs!

What’s New and What’s the Same!

Free and Reduced Lunch Applications -

Please continue to fill out these applications! While school lunch is now free for all, these applications are used for District Funding! 

Our Meal Service: How We Are Keeping Kids Safe -

The hardworking Food Services team continues to be dedicated to the kids and community, and you can still expect high-quality meals.  We are wearing gloves and will utilize sanitizer, and lots of hand-washing!

Our Goal

Many of us remember the good old days when meals were made from scratch in the school cafeterias. The goal of the Garfield Re-2 Nutrition Services staff is to return to the scratch cooking of years passed, and rid our meals of the highly processed foods of today.

Quick Links

Mary McPhee
Director of Nutrition Services