Teacher and Certified Qualifications
The Mission of Garfield School District Re-2 is to 'provide engaging educational experiences in a safe environment for students and staff which results in exemplary learning and teaching."
Carrying out this mission directly correlates with recruiting, retaining and developing top talent. While institutionally determined, Garfield School District Re-2's qualification requirement for Certified staff assignments adhere to and evolve with the federal and Colorado Department of Education regulations, as articulated under the ESEA/ESSA (See links below), and are outlined as follows:
Certified Staff Assignments -
1. Holding an endorsement within the assigned teaching area, OR;
2. Holding a bachelor's degree or higher within the assigned teaching area, OR;
3. Holding a passing score on the CDE-approved Praxis II content exam(s) for the assigned teaching area, OR
4. Holding 36 college-level, semester credit hours within the assigned teaching area, as defined by the corresponding CDE endorsement worksheet (see link below) and local credit policies