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Public Comment at School Board Meetings

How can I comment as school board meetings?

Members of the public may attend and participate by electronic means in regular
School Board meetings. They may also attend special Board meetings by
electronic means. The means used will allow the public to hear comments made
by all Board members and Board members to hear comments made by the

Information about how to access the electronic means of public participation is
published in conjunction with the agendas for regular and special School Board

Public Participation
The public may comment on non-agenda topics during the public comment
agenda item in person, via zoom or email. Public comment for discussion items on the agenda is also allowed in person, via Zoom and email following the Board discussion.

To respect the time of all who are present, speakers must limit their remarks to
three minutes or less. Emailed comments are limited to 350 words. The total
time for each public comment session is limited to 30 minutes. These
boundaries are designed to help keep the meeting focused and in no way should
limit conversations beyond the board meeting.

Public comment operates on a first-come-first-serve basis. Preference will be
given to those who sign up at least an hour in advance of meetings (5:30 p.m. on
the day of the meeting) by emailing

Public speaking order is published here. It is updated frequently.

Speakers will be added to a list in the order that they signed up until the 30
minutes allotted is filled. If there is time remaining, those that did not sign up in
advance will have the opportunity to speak. After the allotted time has been filled,
additional speakers may email or text Board members their comments.

We ask that all audience members and public commenter’s please do not bring signs, flags or posters into the meeting. You may display them outside, or in the hallway, but do not bring them into the meeting.

Please know that while the Board greatly values all comments from the public,
members will not respond to public comments. However, they will follow up as
needed after the meeting. Please be aware that any personal or individual
student matters are considered confidential under Colorado Law. It is out of
respect for the law, students and staff that we ask for those discussions to take
place in an executive session.

School board agendas and minutes can be found here. Zoom links for meetings are posted on the agendas.